Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hair You Take for Granted

I've adjusted to losing my head hair. I'm actually enjoying the low maintenance of it. However, I didn't realize I would lose my eyelashes and eyebrows. I must say that it's just plain weird-looking, haha. I went out with my family yesterday; they are really cool about wheeling me around the mall in my chair. :o) I always wear makeup and my wig when I go out so I will look "normal." Well, the wig pretty much matches my old hair style, so my bare brow area is covered by the bangs. However, the lack of eyelashes is just weird! I attempted to put on mascara and I swear, I have about five eyelashes on each eye - not enough for mascara, haha. So I guess I don't look "normal" anymore, even with a wig and makeup. Oh well, I'm still thankful that my treatment is working and that I feel good. If I have to go through a period of time without eyelashes, I can deal with that! :o)


  1. I bet you're beautiful. Babies don't have eyebrows or very dark lashes and they look angelic. Think of it that way :)

  2. It won't be long before you'll be batting those eyelashes again. =) I'm so glad the treatments are working. We found out last week my grandmother has cancer. She has a PET scan next week. Hoping for the best.

  3. Oh Christy, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will add her to my prayer list.
