Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Two major things happened last weekend that made me so happy!! It's the little things we always take for granted, and it's amazing what we can adapt to and cope with.

First: For the first time since my leg surgery over a YEAR AGO, I was able to get dressed and leave the house without gauzing up my leg. Now that I'm out of chemo, cuts and scrapes heal a lot faster. My incision has been healing very nicely! It's down to a small pencil eraser shaped scab now. It's so freeing to go without gauze. This time last year, it was leaking so much water - that's what it looked like anyway, that I was having to change the gauze about every two hours. Sometimes after work my pant leg would be soaked. It was not fun.

Second: My eyelashes are coming back!! They are growing out fast. I'm guessing they are about half grown out. They are fine, but goring all the way across my both eyelids, so it's all good!

I never used to appreciate having lashes or thought anything about bandaging wounds and stuff. Now, every little positive thing that happens, I thank God for it. I'm so blessed to be here and every day is a gift.