Friday, December 4, 2009

Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence

Sorry it's been so long. I've received a lot of news over the past month, and I've been digesting it all.

Since I was a kid, I've always assumed that getting a cancer diagnosis meant you would die. Well, my attitude has really changed.

All of my scans came back. The good news is that my organs are healthy and cancer free. The bad news is that the cancer has spread to some areas in my bones. So the pain in my leg is not arthritis or a pulled muscle after all. My doctors are very optimistic; my young age and good health are two huge advantages. My oncologist also has me on aggressive therapy (chemo and radiation). I feel really good about it. I've already had several radiation treatments, and one chemotherapy cycle. So far, everything is going very smoothly. I'm not walking very well, but the radiation should alleviate the pain and pressure in my leg soon. Other than the leg pain, I don't feel sick at all.

My faith in God and support from family and friends are really helping me through this. I've asked God to heal me so I can help other people struggling with cancer. I truly believe that God hears works miracles, so please pray for me.

Thanks for reading, and I promise to write posts more often. :o)